And to think my unbridled, preteen love for all things Pokémon only made my parents regret buying me a Game Boy for Christmas. The Arnolds of Frankfort, Ill. have been included in the Guinness Book of World Records 2012 Gamer's Edition, earning the title "Largest Competitive Pokémon Videogame Family." The organization calls the Arnolds "the most prolific Pokémon playing family in the world."
They're not only the most prolific, but the Arnolds are the most successful family of Pokémon players, having competed globally in Pokémon tournaments. While Mother Arnold, Linda, often cheers from the sidelines, family patriarch Glenn battles with pocket monsters right alongside his three children. Glenn spurred the family tradition by helping his little ones get through the tougher parts of their games, ultimately fostering little Pokémon powerhouses.
In fact, Glenn says that he went head-to-head with his own son, David, in a tournament match before. But the Arnolds' other son, Ryan, admits that his sister Grace is probably the most skilled Pokémon player of them all. So what if this is a completely contrived category in order to fill the book with a unique set of record-holders. It makes for a fun story, right? Now, this (hopeful) future father has one goal: Foster the world's most deadly family of Halo players ... when they're of age, of course.
Do your kids still play Pokémon? Are you playing right along with them? If not, what games do you enjoy to play with the little ones?
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