Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 12, 2011

Zynga sends Mafia Wars on MySpace to sleep with the fishes

Hoping to escape the sinking ship, casual game developer Zynga has closed Mafia Wars on MySpace. While the app is still available to "add" to your account for first time players, upon entering, you'll be told that the "game" itself is no longer available to play, and you'll be asked to visit to play the game instead.

For those that have never visited the game's official site, you'll be able to connect to your Facebook account, where all of your stats (including your level and energy) and brought over. It's the same setup as playing FarmVille on its official website, rather than on Facebook, as you'll simply be playing on Zynga's proprietary websites, rather than on Facebook proper.

We'll make sure to let you know if Zynga closes more of its MySpace games, but for now, play all you can, while you can, to get the most out of your accounts. Either that, or you can take this as a warning to start fresh on those games' Facebook versions, which (most likely) won't close anytime soon.

[via TechCrunch]

Were you a big fan of Mafia Wars on MySpace? Has the game's closure made you choose to switch to other Zynga games on Facebook?

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